2024 | SCHOOL OF DIRECT EXPERIENCE | Residency and Workshop co-led with Zenga Brothers at the Audain Gallery, Whistler, BC
2023 | SCHOOL OF DIRECT EXPERIENCE | Residency and Workshop, Audain Gallery, Whistler, BC
2019 | DIGITAL CARNIVAL: FIRE | Mask-Making Workshop with Nicole Dextras at the Richmond Art Gallery - Supporting Workshop Facilitator.
2019 | NEW CRAFT SYMPOSIUM | Symposium in partnership with Material Matters (Emily Carr University of Art + Design) and Two Rivers Gallery - Co-Producer
2018 | MATERIAL MATTERS ARTIST RESIDENCY SERIES | Artist Residency Series in partnership with Two Rivers Gallery and Emily Carr University of Art + Design - Co-Producer
2018 | MAKER CAMP - UBC Physics & Engineering. Facilitator for youth workshop on Craftivism
2018 | INTERSTITIAL: SCIENCE INNOVATIONS BY CANADIAN WOMEN - Beaumont Gallery. Anatomical Felt Heart Workshop, Curiosity Collider - Artist,
2016 | MAGIC TROUT IMAGINARIUM ARTIST RESIDENCY - Trout Lake Community Centre. Vancouver Parks Board
2016 | YOUNG MAKERS SHOW AND TELL - River Market - Curator / Artist
2015 | BENT: A SHOWCASE OF CIRCUIT BENDING - VIVO Media Arts Centre - Producer Curator
2015 | EXPERIMENTAL FUTURES - VIVO Media Arts Centre. Producer - Curator
2015 | MUSIC IN THE PARK - Community-Engaged Textile Artist
2015 | THE GATHERING FESTIVAL - Spinning and Felting Demonstrations - Artist
2015 | VANCOUVER MINI MAKER FAIRE - Spinning Demonstrations - Artist
2014 | GROPPS GALLERY - Altar Egos - Artist
2014 | ECOLOGY CONVERGENCE - UBC. In collaboration with Rebecca Graham of Earthandgleaners - Artist
2012 | VANCOUVER MAKER FOUNDATION - Yarn Bombing - Artist
2012 | MEANS OF PRODUCTION GARDEN - Natural Dye Workshop
2012 | MUSEUM OF VANCOUVER - “Meet your Makers” - Curator
2012 | SCIENCE WORLD - Community-Engaged Felting Workshop - Artist
2020-2023 | LASALLE COLLEGE - Program Director, Fashion Design
2019 | EMILY CARR UNIVERSITY - Industrial Design Core Studio Instructor, The Circular Economy
2018-2020 | SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY - Studio Instructor, Business of Design
2018-current | LASALLE COLLEGE - Instructor, Textile Science, Textile Manipulations, Sustainability
2016-2018 | INDUSTRY TRAINING AUTHORITY - Co-Creater of Maker Club Playbook with Magic Trout Imaginarium
2016 – 2018 | EMILY CARR UNIVERSITY OF ART + DESIGN - Research Assistant
2016-2018 | VANCOUVER COLLEGE OF ART + DESIGN - Instructor, Textiles and Sustainability
2013-2016 | VIVO MEDIA ARTS CENTRE - Education Director
2013-2015 | SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY - Instructor, Design of Technical Publications
2011-2014 | VANCOUVER MINI MAKER FAIRE - Founder, Lead Organizer
2022 | Apparel Affinity Group - Fibreshed Field School
2019 | Art Starts Summer Camp - Bringing Making Into the Classroom
2019 | 15th Canadian Symposium of Home Economics - The Industrialization of the Home: Food, Clothing, Technology and possibilities for the future of Home Economics
2018 | Microsoft - Random Acts of Making: Discovering Tools, Methods & Resources for Making in the Classroom
2018 | 2 Rivers Gallery - Random Acts of Making
2016 | ITA YOUTH DAY - Why Making Matters: What Schools can Learn from Maker Culture
2015 | Curiosity Collider, Learning through Textiles
2015 | Cycle Hack, Learning by Doing
2014 | Vancouver Fibreshed Meet-up, Why Local Fibre Matters
2014 | Siggraph, Why Makers Matter: Building Connected and Vibrant Communities
2014 | Vancouver Mini Maker Faire, Maker Foundation: How we Got here and Where We’re Going
2012 | PechaKucha, On Building Community with Vancouver Mini Maker Faire
2012 | Denim and Steel, Makers, Maker Spaces, and the Maker Movement.
EMILY CARR UNIVERSITY OF ART + DESIGN — Vancouver, BC - Masters of Design / SEPT 2016- APRIL 2018
VANCOUVER FILM SCHOOL — Vancouver, BC - Digital Design / 2007 - 2008
UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO — London, ON - BFA (Hons) - Visual Arts & Psychology 2003-2007
2020 | Fibreshed Field School: Shumka Centre for Creative Entrepreneurship, Emily Carr University of Art + Design
2018 | Research Assistantship with Dr. Garnet Hertz and Helene Day Fraser: Emily Carr University of Art + Design Masters of Design Program
2016 | British Columbia Arts Council Youth Engagement Program: VIVO Media Arts Centre
2015 | TELUS Community Board – Youth Engagement : VIVO Media Arts Centre
2014 | BC Arts Council Youth Engagement Pilot Program: VIVO Media Arts Centre
2013 | City of Vancouver Community Arts Grant: Vancouver Maker Foundation
2012 | City of Vancouver Community Arts Grant: Vancouver Maker Foundation
2011 | City of Vancouver Community and Neighbourhood Arts and Development: Vancouver Maker Foundation